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The Balance discs – dynamic pads of Thera-Band in addition to training balance and proprioceptiveness, are also used as dynamic seat pads for strengthening and correct posture of the trunk.
They are used by physical therapists for greater variety in balance exercises. You can use the balance disc at work, the office, school and the gym. Ideal for exercises after knee surgery, sprained ankle, etc.
The balance disc (theraband ball cushion) has 2 sides (one smooth surface and one with knots for proprioceptive training). In addition, the knotted side gently massages your buttocks when you sit or your legs when you stand.
This balance disc comes in 3 sizes: 33cm, 36cm and 50cm.
It is made of PVC and comes already inflated with air although you can inflate it further.
It can withstand up to 160kg of weight.
Usually ships in: 1 to 3 days
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