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Product in liquid form with successive carbohydrates, caffeine and potassium.
Addressed to:
Those who need to quickly recover energy reserves.
ENERGIA RAPIDA PROFESSIONAL represents the evolution of energy integration in racing. EthicSport's research and development staff has reached out to the best athletes, industry professionals and elite athletes in road cycling, mountain biking, road racing and other disciplines to create a product that best meets the real needs of athletes .
The special formula of ENERGIA RAPIDA PROFESSIONAL brings mono-oligo and polysaccharides at a different speed of assimilation, together with an appropriate ratio of caffeine and potassium, to finally transmit energy to the body in a fast and lasting way.
The product is contained in a double package (duopack), a special ergonomic package that has received a patent. The packaging is soft, light and super easy to use. Resistant to atmospheric pressure, it withstands possible accidental knocks without problems, but opens easily with the teeth, following the direction of movement at the top of the wrapper.
And ENERGIA RAPIDA PROFESSIONAL, like all the products of the EthicSport series, is made following quality standards and strict controls. In addition, it undergoes final production control by the ASL Public Health Laboratory in Florence, by the Antidoping Laboratory and is certified free of anabolics or stimulants prohibited by the current set of Anti-Doping rules.
Usually ships in:1 to 3 days